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All posts by Mwangi Wanjumbi

The Writer is a Passionate Corporate Trainer/Consultant in strategy, change management and leadership development. He also provides unique SME Growth Solutions, whose expertise is tied to amongst others, an international research on SME development that was published in the Business in Africa Journal of July 2007. He was also a monthly strategy columnist for 5 years in the Monthly SME Today Magazine. He is also the author of the KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century, that was used for alignment of the new (Kenyan) Education Curriculum - CBC. He also authored the 2018 Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in Life twitter:@mwanjumbi

Talent Alignment; Foundation of Work Life Balance

Dennis Waitley, a renowned motivational speaker and author continuously advises his audiences to be constantly involved in creating the future.  That will definitely enable them to remain relevant throughout their lifetimes. Perhaps, it is on this basis that mentoring the youth through the school system, as well as the religious sector flows naturally, particularly for me. In this regard, let us share interesting ongoing lessons from one renowned county girls’ secondary school. The school extended a speaking engagement after interacting with my writings. They wanted

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Focus On Improved Entrepreneurial Spirit to Generate Higher Taxes

During a recent talent alignment seminar Gregg, a Kenyan of British origin shared some interesting experiences. The non-governmental organizational executive had proceeded abroad on a month’s business trip. Alongside, he temporarily delegated his responsibilities to Monica, his wife, who is also a colleague at work. But upon his return, Gregg was disturbed that operations had not been as smooth as he could have expected. “At home, the children were overly excited upon my return. I learnt from them that the mother was unusually stressed, every

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Aligning Strategic Direction of the Human Capital Should Start Early

It is clear to all that more than 50% of our graduates are either unemployed or unemployable. More appropriately, they are unemployable. Why? Graduates who are properly empowered are always able to either secure rewarding formal employment opportunities or easily create their own.  Naturally, the latter, contribute to continued growth of small business. Conversely, those properly empowered, but opt for formal employment may end up contributing to continued innovation in business. Sadly, the graduate unemployability aspect paints a grim picture with respect to desired innovation

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Match Infrastructural Development with People Empowerment

It is important to appreciate the fact that Kenya has embraced a policy of massive infrastructural development, in line with the aspirations of Vision 2030, now slightly less than one and a half decades away. These projects should propel the country towards achieving new levels of growth and economic progress, if the seemingly limitless opportunities are exhaustively exploited. The question that arises is whether the population is adequately empowered towards exploiting the respective opportunities. At present, it is commonly agreed knowledge that in excess of

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Focus on Known Strengths to Avoid Losses

Have you heard of news on suicide cases resulting from sour betting experiences, in the recent past? Needless to revisit the exact details, all the cases were associated with failed attempts of making quick money, from what was meant for other purposes. Unable to live with the impact of their losses, the victims found it opportune to cut short their youthful lives. A sad turn of events indeed. Personally, I was recently attracted to betting though for very different, but amazing reasons, which may eventually

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Networking is Inevitable for Business Growth

Thoughts about networking bring to mind an interesting perspective based exploits of an Australian octogenarian. In May 2012, Allan Stewart was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest ever graduate, after having completed a masters degree in nursing at 97 years. He had earlier been recognized likewise, upon acquiring a law degree at 91 years. Early in life, the old man had acquired a degree in dentistry at 22 years, thus practicing as a doctor, for the better part of his years.

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