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Monthly Archives: December 2012


Wishing For Visionary Leadership, In A Transformed Nation

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer Finally, year 2013 is no longer a wish. It is now here with us. Will the year be better as we continue experiencing modernity? Hopefully yes but, there is a challenge for us here in Kenya. We are already in an election year. Elections have always presented tense and uncertain moments, as we witness the fight for power amongst our political elites. As a registered voter, my vote is for some reason still up for grabs. My

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Special Year End Message:Continually Building On The Gains From The Recent Past To Fast-Track Desirable Progress

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer As we prepare to cross over to the New Year 2013, allow me to remind you that since 2006 September, our change inspiring Newtimes-E-Newsletter and the weekly blogs initiated in January 2012, have extensively brought out the challenges affecting our personal, leadership and organizational growth/progress. Alongside, suggestions on what can be done to improve on the prevailing situations have also been floated. Some recent topical issues have included organizational culture change; change resistance and management; coping with

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Dedicating 2013 To Finding Our North Could Yield Fast-Tracked Growth And Progress

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer What would happen if you come across a hefty amount of cash, which you may be under no obligation to return to the owner? Naturally, a dilemma would certainly ensue for many. But not so for an anonymous Singapore taxi driver. He did not grapple with the alternatives. Instead, he immediately returned the US $ 900,000 (KES 76.5 million) to a couple who had left it in the back seat of his taxi. Interestingly, this driver took

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Employ Aiming To Keep and Develop, but Be Cautious of the Prevailing Organizational Culture

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer The recent judgment that ordered Kenya Airways to take back more than 400 earlier retrenched staff, elicits both anger and joy at the same time. Obviously the staff and their leaders are grateful for the court ruling. Conversely, it is not just Kenya Airways that feels disadvantaged by the ruling. The entire investing public has been unable to conceal tantrums induced by the ruling. Needless to venture into the intricacies, I would want to straight away focus

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Intimacy with Personal as well as Organizational Brands Is a Realistic Strategy of Attracting Desired Market Share in 2013

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer As the year 2013 nears, many organizations, including yours are gearing up if not already reinvigorating their strategy. The main aim is to ensure either staying relevant or maintaining and at the same time building on the market share. Each will go into great lengths of defining strategic objectives, key performance measures or indicators and all other usual stuff. But, it may be important to remember one factor, variously taken for granted either inadvertently or otherwise. Perhaps,

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