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Blog Post

Importance of Properly Aligning Talent

June is accustomed as the month the government. In the budget, the various activities on both the expenditure and income sides of the budget are described in details and form the basis of operations of the following financial year. Most often, no activities that are outside the budget are accommodated during the financial year. Conversely, the preceding few months before the budget constantly present challenges to economic activities. This is so because most of the previous budget allocations will have been depleted, thus putting emerging

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Need to Adhere to Motives of Doing Business

In less than one year, some three banks have waded into troubled waters. This has raised concerns on whether there could there be some underlying problems affecting this lucrative sector of our national economy, which are unknown to ordinary Kenyans. Any management scholar can’t lose sight of the principles advocated by Henry Fayol, the well known father of modern management. Engineer Henry Fayol achieved great success at the turn of the 20th Century and particularly rose from a labourer to Chief Executive of his employing

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Why You May Not Become Just Anything You Would Want To

You can become anything you want to become in life as long as the environment is conducive. Whether you agree with this perspective is not the issue, but that is precisely what was propagated in a professional forum on Thursday 28th April 2016. “The problem is that people may not be working hard enough, especially when the environment is conducive,” said the presenter. Apparently, everybody seemed to be in agreement with the presenter’s sentiments except yours truly. He could not believe that anybody can just

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Quality Education Key To Transformation

Probably it has not occurred to most Kenyans that the expiry date for Vision 2030 is only 15 years away. As is well known, the vision is driven by three pillars which are social, economic and political transformation. The fact that there is heightened Infrastructural development in line with the aspirations of the vision 2030 can’t be disputed. Modern roads, railways, fiber optic cabling and technological advancements such as the laptop project for schools no doubt represent the focus on the expected gains with respect

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Why Our Desired Transformation Could be Within Reach.

Soon after the publication of Career Dynamics in the 21st Century in March last year, it was read by one of the senior officials of the Ministry of Education. He was mesmerized by the concept, which aims to help readers to transit from 20th to 21st Century mental paradigms. This will eventually help them to unleash their full performance potential, not only as individuals, but also for their employing organizations and the national situation as well. This may definitely, impact positively to desired national transformation,

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How Engaged Are You Today in Creating The Future?

There is an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness in Kenya due to the myriad of challenges facing the country. It is a fact that majority of Kenyans are not getting what they want in life. Many more are not unleashing their full performance potential. Organizations likewise, especially small and medium enterprises have also been hit hard. The situation is worse because the country depends on the success of the business sector, which remits taxes that support state-run activities. If the current challenges are not tackled as

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