Hurry! Hurry! Invaluable Benefits Propelled By The 21st Century Human Capital Development Paradigms Now Beckoning

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B. S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer

Some two young readers working for diverse multibillion shilling corporate bodies are facing some interesting dilemmas. The same are related, yet different in some way.  Hilda a technical operator has always wanted to attend some training programs, which she thinks will improve her performance. But, the employer has not shown any interest in sponsoring her. According to the HR Manager, training is a favor that needs to be carefully extended to employees. Ideally, the same must be aimed at only very deserving cases. Really?

On the other hand, Robert a research analyst can not dare mention the need for training, as long as he continues working with the present organization. It is the HR manager who determines whether there is any need for staff development, especially through training. This manager reckons that employees are expected to be competent in performing the specific tasks that they were hired for. “Effectively, seeking to attend any training program for any staff, could be an indicator of not being apt for the job at hand,” says a disoriented Robert. Sounds quite an interesting scenario, or is it not?

The two HR managers could be right and wrong at the same time. They could be right if we were considering the employment situation as relates to the industrial worker era of the 20th Century. During this time, the worker was considered as a tool of performance that could easily be replaced at will. Imagine situations where there are thousands of jobseekers ready to be hired at any time. No wonder then, the worker was considered as a direct labour expense, only necessary for production of goods and services. Ironically, I may be referring to the past, yet this could be the prevailing situation in many organizations.

The Industrial worker age scenario has been overtaken by the knowledge age, now synonymous with the 21st century. The human effort is no longer seen in terms of provision of labour.  Instead, the human element is today viewed as the thinking resource, therefore organizational intellectual capital. This approach cannot happen at a better time.

Today, there is voluminous information circulating all over. The same is easily available from the internet, social media and many other sources. It is upon us to sieve the information, internalize whatever is useful and consequently use it productively for the organizations that we work for. But, is this always the case? Further, are all employees prepared towards this?

Certainly, we may first need to determine whether our frames of mind are inclined towards the industrial or information/knowledge era. If still stuck in the former, then the bosses of Hilda and Robert are absolutely right. But, there is danger here. Today’s thinking resource is amongst other things supposed to be more efficient than the perceived workers.

Further, the same resource is meant to be more responsive to the dynamic operational environment. Inevitably, this means that the mindsets of the industrial era are not in tune with today’s realities of the ever increasing competition, especially driven by globalization, social cultural dynamics and highly advancing technology. Naturally, organizational performance may never be optimized under such circumstances.  Worse still, unleashing of employee and organizational potentials may only be pipedreams.

Indeed, it appears that training and re-training is not just necessary for Hilda and Robert. Instead, everybody in organizations may need to undergo complete paradigm shifts, regardless of the seniority levels. The same are inevitable especially now that globalization is associated with new cultures that determine the way organizations are managed, led and even kept relevant to dynamic changes and realities.

That is why embracing modern global organizational cultures is a not a wish, but rather an inevitable occurrence for all organizations, intending to remain relevant in a fast changing world.

But, the constant excuse of budgets could be the undoing of most organizations. As long as the paradigms are not in tune with the expectations of the 21st century organizations, the cart may somehow continue being put in the wrong place.

In such situations, inefficiency accompanied by challenged values as well as work ethics could continue inhibiting performance. Even worse is that we could continue losing performance potential, which would otherwise be beneficial to all stakeholders. Which is better of the two; investing in achievement of new attitudes, new skills and therefore new desirable habits, or continuing with efforts of managing risks through commanding and controlling the human capital?

Consider this! It could probably take a one time investment of KES 15,000 to change an employee’s perceptions about work/careers, money and the employer amongst other attributes. This leads to unleashing full performance potential, at no immediate extra pay, for only KES 1250 per month, when spread within one year. That is despite probable enjoyment of the benefits for a whole lifetime, and above all immediate increase in productivity.

On the contrary, inducing performance from the same employee, through improving the salary by KES 15,000 or even 5,000, 3,000 or 1000 per month, becomes a permanent organizational commitment. Ironically, the same can produce only temporally satisfaction, before demands for more increases take shape. In any case, no money can ever be enough in life. Naturally, this makes carrot and stick approach to motivation unattractive.

Ideally, both job satisfaction and success in life are derived from the focus of each one of us. The same and many others are the issues addressed through structured organizational culture change/employee re-branding solutions, which organizations need to hurriedly embrace.

Consequently, is staff development especially through these unique solutions that borrow from 21st century organizational culture still a COST and therefore budget constraint?  Or is the same an INVESTMENT aimed at unleashing full employee/organizational performance potential?  Do enjoy a thoughtful week for now. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the solutions are within easy reach whenever desired.

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