Special Year End Message:Continually Building On The Gains From The Recent Past To Fast-Track Desirable Progress

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer

As we prepare to cross over to the New Year 2013, allow me to remind you that since 2006 September, our change inspiring Newtimes-E-Newsletter and the weekly blogs initiated in January 2012, have extensively brought out the challenges affecting our personal, leadership and organizational growth/progress. Alongside, suggestions on what can be done to improve on the prevailing situations have also been floated.

Some recent topical issues have included organizational culture change; change resistance and management; coping with Generation Y challenges; how Generation X lost it and what can be done; the social media dynamics, modern global organizational culture, employee re-branding; value based leadership; performance measurements, paradigms shift actions, inhibitions to growth/progress; focus on entrepreneurship, personal development strategies, Staff Retrenchment, business strategies; business rivalry and forces of change; business values/ethics and many more.

Indeed, almost all aspects of routine experiences have been featured one time or the other. Overwhelming feedback from regular readers has indicated that many individuals have managed to re-brand themselves and transformed into better and more rewarding positions/careers.

Others have successfully changed their approach to doing business in line with change dynamics that is so elaborately featured. More still, others have become better managers and leaders in their work situations.

Moreover, others have through our structured organizational transformational solutions and motivational sessions transformed invariably, guided by new paradigm shift actions after attending either open or in-house training solutions. Interestingly, our website where the writings are uploaded has become not only a global resource but also an invaluable reference point particularly for our own Master’s students.

In 2013 meanwhile, we expect to continue writing regularly and elaborating on topical issues that we will all be confronting from time to time. We will also be at hand to help those willing to fast-track personal/organizational change and progress through our uniquely structured transformational training and consulting solutions.

Mind you, our country is undergoing tremendous changes, which are driven by new constitutional dispensation as well as global dynamics. Further, we have all witnessed a landmark case that has placed employers in a situation whereby they would have to be more precautious when handling employee hiring and firing issues. Can any organization continue operating in total disregard of these variables? It is seriously doubtable.

Therefore, is it not advisable for organizations to embrace modern global organizational culture at the earliest possible moment? Those that do will inevitably maximize on their performance potential and at the same time automatically conform to most of the legal requirements, currently presenting previously unfamiliar organizational dilemmas.

Besides, embracing modern organizational culture presents the best strategy of exploiting globally available wealth creation opportunities. Those who doubt this will only have themselves to blame for missing out on the party of celebrating success.

In that light, we invite you to peruse through our transformational training solutions, which we believe will appropriately guide you on what we shall be offering in 2013. The same are aimed at fast-tracking personal/organizational change and progress as well as tackling both existing and emergent organizational challenges.

Actually, we all need to make the best from the gains of the recent past aiming to continually build on the future. Shall we then accept to embrace and craft desired transformation through the tips highlighted, therefore reducing chances of being overwhelmed by change at its own terms?

The Newsletter/blogs dispatch resume in week one of January 2013. Nevertheless, the blog site remains active as usual.

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