Holistic Unclogging of Our Systems Is Key To Achieving The Full Benefits of Transformation

By Mwangi Wanjumbi- Newtimes BS Chief Strategist, Trainer & Researcher

Most Nairobi residents are certainly familiar with the former Thika Road that was the precursor to the present day Thika Super Highway. Those days, it was quite common to empathize with users of the then infamous road. Why? Nothing was more tormenting than traveling through Thika Road at whatever time of the day. In the New millennium, the road became even worse, as Nairobi continued expanding in all directions.

Regrettably, this road continued resembling a huge parking as time kept ticking. The hardest hit by the continually worsening menace, were residents of adjacent estates who worked or schooled in the city centre and beyond. Actually, traveling through Thika Road in the morning was a real nightmare. Everybody wishing to reach the desired destination in time had no choice but to be wake up and leave home in the wee hours of the morning.

Going back home was not any better. That was so particularly given that flex time has never been substantially embraced in our part of the world. Thus, most people report to and leave their workplace at the same time. Apparently, the same gridlocks continued day after day, only having the directions reversed, depending on the time of the day. The economy felt the impact of lost man hours and more still lost energy through heavy fuel bills.

Thankfully, the trends have for now been reversed, hopefully for good. The former 4 lane dual carriage Thika Road has now been replaced by the 8 lane Thika Super Highway, which runs for a whole 50 km. Nevertheless, this Super Highway had initially turned monstrous immediately upon becoming operational. Many people lost their lives whereas others were maimed.

The road seemed too efficient for Kenyan drivers to handle. The new found efficiency had turned into nightmares for many. No wonder bumps and rumble strips had to be employed as means of slowing down speed loving drivers. They had to be toned down not only for the safety of drivers, but also that of other road users.

On the softer side, the hinterland of the highway has changed dramatically. New economic activities have taken shape, whereas the land and property value has continually shot up. Indeed, earlier anguish has now been replaced by great sense of pride.Truly, unclogging of the previous gridlocks has no doubt brought invaluable benefits.

Meanwhile, one cannot help comparing the Thika Road transformation to our own experiences in life and at work. The moment we are not aligned to our own personal orientations; or we don’t feel good about ourselves, our work, and our employers; or we are not proud of our beliefs and values; or we are still doing things following old ways in a fast changing world, our situation may not be any different from the Thika Road scenario. Under such circumstances, the signs may not be very promising. Why so?

We are in gridlocks just the same way as the then Thika Road. It is unlikely that we can unleash our full performance potential thus earning our deserved financial rewards and/or profits. Further, we are likely to miss out on opportunities continually presented in a dynamic 21st century. But, why miss out on opportunities of unleashing our potentials as individuals, and organizations too?

Perhaps, we now need to borrow a leave from the now ever efficient Thika Super Highway. Inevitably, we each need to harness our efficiency for us to be the change or agents of change that we would want the world to be. It is only then that we can overcome the challenges presented by change, which is largely symbolized by the ever charged competitive forces. We will at the same time reap the best financial rewards and profits from our personal and organizational efforts. Won’t we?

But, that may never happen by chance. That is where personal/organizational transformation comes into play. We either embrace the transformation or wait to be at the mercy of the forces of change. Mind you the forces are at work as the clock keeps ticking. So, why give them a chance?

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