Career Re-alignment Strategies That Could Change Game Plans
It’s not clear how long our marks oriented education will last in this country. But, given the persistent exam leakages and cheating, forgery of examination certificates, high levels of unemployment, it’s apparent that the education system needs a major overhaul. Indeed, it does not prepare people for life, but rather for passing exams. In the process, the majority end up becoming underachievers, even after scoring the high grades. Why does this happen?
As I wrote in my published monthly strategy column last month, pressure of acquiring the grades leads students to acquire certificates ‘minus knowledge.’ That is probably why reports have continually indicated that 50% of our graduates are not only unemployed, but are actually unemployable. My take is that these challenges will only be tackled when talent alignment becomes an entrenched national strategy, of developing human capital. This is naturally so, in light of the ever competitive environment that is now globalized. Luckily for us all, there will be no issue of re-inventing the wheel, since this alignment process has been happening in the developed world.
Meanwhile, I have constantly had the opportunity of being in the same class with professionals of all shades, but this time as a facilitator. The same have included Medical Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, Land economists, Information technologists, training consultants, H R practitioners, lecturers and many more. The training forums have been as diverse as the delegates themselves. On the various occasions, I never shy away from taking the delegates through an interesting change inspiring process. The same involves incisive practical competencies on career alignment/re-alignment strategy, a foremost life skill.
Most of the delegates have appreciated this strategic thinking process, which helps in not only their career re- alignment, but also those of their loved ones. Almost all concerned have agreed in unison that something needs to be done about our school system. In fact, it comes out clearly, why the system is not meeting the employment needs of our organizations and therefore nation, especially in highly competitive and globalized situations.
Incidentally, a team that was recently going through a pre-retirement program almost got up in arms, when they could not be taken through the step by step process of career re-alignment strategy. One would have thought that retirees were already tired. But alas, there is need to realize that they require to be ‘re-tyred,’ thus remaining economically active, even past retirement. Besides, their younger loved ones still require the inevitable life skills, which may not have been passed through the school system.
In other cases, many top academic achievers like doctors, engineers and lawyers, who have passed through our training programs, have sometimes owned up to one very depressing fact. They indeed ventured into their careers not by choice, but rather, through their high academic achievements. The same have been presumed to prepare them to any of these high flying and paying careers, without any due regard to their personalized orientations.
It is no wonder then that every doctor, engineer, accountant, lawyer, land economist amongst other similar training delegates have always indicated knowing another or more of their peers, who are frustrated and underachieving in these high end careers. Further, could the challenges have been contributing to the unfortunate social economic disorders that this nation keeps bleeding from? What then can immediately happen to avert this never ending human capital alignment crisis?
It’s now over to the authorities. However, the good news is that our career alignment and work ethics moderation dynamics are now value adding components of all our training programs. Further, our motivational seminar titled “Purposefully Working SMART,” holistically and strategically tackles these career alignment as well as work ethics challenges. Added to this is our “Personal/Organizational Brand Harmony Seminar,” which reinforces the fast-tracked transformation.
Ideally, the re-alignment may be inevitable since change is the only constant in life. Brian Tracy says that some people change early; others change later, whereas some change late in life. One can only guess what happens to those who don’t change at all, in a dynamic world.
Lastly, we need to keep remembering that positive change anywhere starts with an individual; many individuals form a team; whereas many teams form organizations. Nations are no doubt conglomerations of organizations. Most importantly, we all need to achieve full potentials at each of the different levels of performance. Welcome for the respective change inspiring experiences.
- At what stage of the performance cycle is your business organization operating?
- If you wanted to holistically and strategically transform the fortunes of your organization, where would you start?
- Did you ever know that we can help your organization to completely transform direction for the better in only 2 – 3 days?
- Did you also know that we extend PERSONALIZED and MONEY BACK GUARANTEES on the respective solutions?
- How about starting with a non committal, one on one discussion on how the transformation can be achieved?
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