Why Continued Empowerment May Be The Best Option

The January newsletter painted a great impression of the expectations of the odd year 2015, at least as far as we at Newtimes Business Solutions are concerned. This current issue focuses on the measures needed to ensure full exploitation of the impending opportunities. However, some important questions come to mind.

To what extent are we prepared towards exploiting these opportunities? Are we actually endowed with the right combination of knowledge, competences and attitudes? Ideally, whatever knowledge we acquire through the educational system has a time span. Research indicates that the knowledge and skills expire or become overtaken by change dynamics within 5-10 years, especially in a highly competitive environment, now subject to fast changing technological advancements and globalization.

The implication is that we need to keep acquiring new knowledge and skills to match with the changing times. But, do we have to keep going back to school after every few years? Perhaps not, but the situation is even better when we are appropriately aligned to our careers, as was clearly explained in the December/January 2015 strategy column that was linked to the January newsletter. Nonetheless, people who are properly aligned are largely endowed with creativity/innovation, therefore easily adaptable to the continuing and sometimes volatile change dynamics.

Such people may only require continued empowerment through short courses that may happen through scheduled open programs or customized in-house solutions, such as the ones we have continually been conducting. Why are these solutions and upgrades absolutely necessary today?

As a means of clearly explaining the need, let us refer to lessons through some 3 of 5 slides uploaded@ PPT Slides The first of the three, variously depicts our struggles at the different levels of the ladder of success.  By the way, how did you or your organization fair with regard to achieving the desired goals in the year 2014?

The second slide depicts application of energy. If misaligned, we could easily go out of focus, ending up in what is known as the rat race – expending energy and resources, yet getting nowhere.  The third slide demonstrates that whatever our endeavors, performance happens in cycles. As individuals, we need to keep re-charging, for us to remain not only focused, but also effective and efficient.

Conversely, business follows well defined patterns/cycles. It does not matter the size or resources involved. Unfortunately, the cycles are never smooth, as they are constantly disrupted by the forces of change, which present both opportunities and threats to successful continuity. Naturally, the extent to which we are prepared towards taking the requisite causes of action, determines whether we become victims or the victors of the forces of change. Continued preparedness is thus inevitable, for us to constantly remain as undisputed victors. That is why none of us should any longer take continued empowerment or skills enhancement solutions for granted. Essentially, we must keep re-inventing new and durable performance cycles, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, the forces of change come in two forms. On one hand is the master-strike strategy (personal terminology) or tsunami. It incapacitates an individual or business at once. Consider the case of a heart attack or stroke for example. It not only debilitates an individual, but also creates opportunities for others, such as hospitals and doctors. In business we can reflect on government/global policies such as digital migration, which has killed numerous businesses, yet creating previously nonexistent opportunities.

Tidal wave strategy is the other alternative approach. Like the waves and tides that weaken, thus making their way around the sea bend over time, this strategy impacts on business in  the same way.  The forces of change which may be either internal or external act likewise. They come in different sizes and forms. They variously pounce on business, sometimes without causing any undue attention. In the course of time, profits dwindle or disappear all together, eventually being replaced by losses.

The purpose of all scheduled and customized in-house training/consulting solutions is therefore not only to empower business with renewed knowledge, skills and attitudes that help in safeguarding against, but also efficiently exploiting the opportunities presented by these forces of change. This essentially happens through re-invention of new and efficient performance cycles.


  • At what stage of the performance cycle is your business organization operating?
  • If you wanted to holistically and strategically transform the fortunes of your organization, where would you start?
  • Did you ever know that we can help your organization to completely transform direction for the better in only 2 – 3 days?
  • Did you also know that we extend PERSONALIZED and MONEY BACK GUARANTEES on the respective solutions?
  • How about starting with a non committal, one on one discussion on how the transformation can be achieved?

We are only a phone call or email away

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