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All posts by Mwangi Wanjumbi

The Writer is a Passionate Corporate Trainer/Consultant in strategy, change management and leadership development. He also provides unique SME Growth Solutions, whose expertise is tied to amongst others, an international research on SME development that was published in the Business in Africa Journal of July 2007. He was also a monthly strategy columnist for 5 years in the Monthly SME Today Magazine. He is also the author of the KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century, that was used for alignment of the new (Kenyan) Education Curriculum - CBC. He also authored the 2018 Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in Life twitter:@mwanjumbi

Unprecedented Organizational Leadership Opportunities Exist for HR Professionals, but…

By Mwangi  Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer A casual glance at organizational leadership trends yields some interesting observations. During the industrial revolution of the 20th century, this leadership was entrusted to engineers. This may have been supported by increased need for maximizing production, which was then attributed to scientific processes. Around the mid 20th century, the business leadership orientation seemingly changed, giving preference to accountants and financial experts. This situation persisted for a long while. But, the end of the cold war

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Strategise Each Expansionary Step To avoid Hopping into Trouble

By Mwangi  Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer Recent reports indicate that some investors have lost hope of benefiting from regional expansion and returned to base. This brings to mind some experiences as a business strategy/entrepreneurship discussant. That was during 2006 to 2010, when I was frequently hosted by an FM Radio station headquartered in Nairobi, as well as once on KBC Television. Live on air, I passionately addressed many topical business issues of the time.  That included one on regional expansion immediately

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Grades or no Grades, Just Aim to Achieve Your Potential in the Candidacy of Life

By Mwangi  Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer Congratulations to all the 2011 KCSE candidates for bravely facing the seemingly very mean examiner. It does not matter the grade that turned out eventually. But, it matters that our unfair system of evaluating our abilities has ranked you one way or the other.  Out of the 411,783 candidates only 119,658, a paltry 29% has acquired the power to continue reading on and on after attaining grade C+ and above. Others have been rated as

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Re-aligning Personal and Organizational Guides Could Moderate Inevitable Turbulences

By Mwangi  Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer Every car driver is certainly familiar with the dashboard, which exhibits the situation of the vehicle. It displays the speed, engine temperature and many more variables. Red signs on the board indicate danger, which needs to be attended to, almost immediately. The fuel tank could for example be running dry or the temperature gauge could be rising unusually, thus indicating a problem with the charging or automated systems. How does the situation of the car

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Why Head Teachers Are Better Off Adopting Envisaged Performance Measures

By Mwangi  Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer Needless to revisit the exact details, there were numerous threatening moments occasioned by release of the KCPE examination results for year 2011. Subsequently, blood was shed and a number of lives needlessly lost on account of the same results. These are sad developments that should quickly be let to sink in the dustbins of history. But, if the reactions of the leadership of the teaching fraternity are anything to go by, then we may not

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What Feelings Does Your Brand Radiate?

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B. S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer A recent news item indicated that the Nano Tata car of India has disappointed the Manufacturer.  The earlier projected sales of 20 – 25,000 vehicles annually have never exceeded 10, 000 units, even in 2011. Meanwhile, the target market for the Nano was meant to be the poor of India. Ideally, they were supposed to be promoted from either riding scooters or driving second hand cars. But, it looks like this market has not

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