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All posts by Mwangi Wanjumbi

The Writer is a Passionate Corporate Trainer/Consultant in strategy, change management and leadership development. He also provides unique SME Growth Solutions, whose expertise is tied to amongst others, an international research on SME development that was published in the Business in Africa Journal of July 2007. He was also a monthly strategy columnist for 5 years in the Monthly SME Today Magazine. He is also the author of the KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century, that was used for alignment of the new (Kenyan) Education Curriculum - CBC. He also authored the 2018 Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in Life twitter:@mwanjumbi

Dedicating 2013 To Finding Our North Could Yield Fast-Tracked Growth And Progress

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer What would happen if you come across a hefty amount of cash, which you may be under no obligation to return to the owner? Naturally, a dilemma would certainly ensue for many. But not so for an anonymous Singapore taxi driver. He did not grapple with the alternatives. Instead, he immediately returned the US $ 900,000 (KES 76.5 million) to a couple who had left it in the back seat of his taxi. Interestingly, this driver took

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Employ Aiming To Keep and Develop, but Be Cautious of the Prevailing Organizational Culture

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer The recent judgment that ordered Kenya Airways to take back more than 400 earlier retrenched staff, elicits both anger and joy at the same time. Obviously the staff and their leaders are grateful for the court ruling. Conversely, it is not just Kenya Airways that feels disadvantaged by the ruling. The entire investing public has been unable to conceal tantrums induced by the ruling. Needless to venture into the intricacies, I would want to straight away focus

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Intimacy with Personal as well as Organizational Brands Is a Realistic Strategy of Attracting Desired Market Share in 2013

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer As the year 2013 nears, many organizations, including yours are gearing up if not already reinvigorating their strategy. The main aim is to ensure either staying relevant or maintaining and at the same time building on the market share. Each will go into great lengths of defining strategic objectives, key performance measures or indicators and all other usual stuff. But, it may be important to remember one factor, variously taken for granted either inadvertently or otherwise. Perhaps,

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Half Measures Inadequate As Modern Global Organizational Culture Keeps Beckoning

By Mwangi Wanjumbi Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer Following last week’s piece on Global Business Leadership, it may be necessary to drive a few points home, using a localized real life example. It is also an opportune moment to bring out some lessons on how the forces of change as well as attitudes, continually inhibit personal and organizational progress. Thus, in the mid 90s, just as the economic liberalization was taking shape, there was a manufacturing company, which will conveniently be referred to as Mashindano

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Aligning with Global Business Leadership Cultures is Key to Rosy and Secure Continuity

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B. S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer An interesting warning appeared in the careers pages of one daily print media of Friday, 15th November 2012. The same intimated that the world no longer has any place for administrative managers. Instead, a rapidly changing and modern corporate business environment may only accommodate “Global Business Leaders, who are able to cope with volatile market dynamics.”  These insinuations were attributed to the Unilever Africa boss, who was giving a Lecture attended by Kenyatta University

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Great Lessons On Co-existence Between Electioneering and Economic Progress From The American Experience.

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B. S. CEO & Chief Consultant/Trainer The world watched and listened attentively as Americans came to terms with their electioneering. In Kenya particularly, we were unlikely to ignore the process given that the eventual winner is 50% of Kenyan origin as one prominent writer theorizes. Indeed, it is not in dispute that President Obama’s father was Kenyan, therefore the assertions. Nonetheless, the occurrences in America, the foremost global leader present invaluable lessons not only for Kenya, but also the rest

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