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All posts by Mwangi Wanjumbi

The Writer is a Passionate Corporate Trainer/Consultant in strategy, change management and leadership development. He also provides unique SME Growth Solutions, whose expertise is tied to amongst others, an international research on SME development that was published in the Business in Africa Journal of July 2007. He was also a monthly strategy columnist for 5 years in the Monthly SME Today Magazine. He is also the author of the KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century, that was used for alignment of the new (Kenyan) Education Curriculum - CBC. He also authored the 2018 Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in Life twitter:@mwanjumbi

Are You Ready To Be Sky Bound In A Re-Branded Kenya?

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S.  Chief Trainer/Consultant Welcome to new Kenya. This is a state that is guided by a new constitution, which is still in its final stages of implementation; a state which has peacefully elected a brand new president whose modas operadi will be guided by the new constitution, right from day one; a state which will no longer be controlled from Nairobi, but largely from 47 centers of authority, constitutionally known as county governments. This is a state where national resources

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Participating In The Re-birth of the Kenyan Nation That Has Started In Earnest on 5th March 2013

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B.S.  Chief Trainer/Consultant Finally, March 4th 2013, the day famous for the first Kenyan Election under the new constitution has now come to pass. Despite being a public holiday, the day was starting earlier than usual for most of us. It was not that we had any other engagements, other than casting our votes. Given that voting stations were opening at 6.am; many Kenyans were up by 4.00 am aiming to exercise their constitutional right at the earliest possible. The

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Why We Need To Soberly Vote For Deserving Gubernatorial Leadership on 4th March 2013

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer In June 2007, I wrote an article which was published in the management journal of KIM. In this piece, I was mournful of the challenges our nation and organizations were going through, courtesy of deteriorated value systems. I elaborated on the moral decadence and impunity experienced in the early Egyptian civilization, until finally collapsing. Our own nation was seemingly going through turbulent times as well. About 6 months thereafter, we experienced elections whose results and aftermath

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Still Pondering on the Best Choice of President, As We March Towards March 4th 2013?

By Mwangi Wanjumbi – Newtimes B. S. Chief Consultant/Trainer Immediately the American nation concluded its Presidential elections in November 2012, I penned an article on electioneering lessons. The same may now be an inevitable read for every forward looking Kenyan. The piece titled “Great lessons on co-existence between electioneering and economic progress from the American experience,” is particularly important as we march to the March 4th national elections. This piece outlines the American experiences and how they relate or could be replicated to our own

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The Future May Be More Splendid For Organizations That Integrate CSR Into Their DNA and Strategy

By Mwangi Wanjumbi Newtimes B.S. Chief Trainer/Consultant On numerous occasions, readers have requested for elaboration on Corporate Social Responsibility. However, I have not felt compelled to do so, until listening to interesting presentations by Mr. Michael Odera, Managing Director of Tata Chemicals Magadi. This is the company earlier known as Magadi Soda. In a recent Management Forum, this CEO was, at ease explaining their involvement with CSR just like it is one of the core activities of the company. Simply put however, Corporate Social Responsibility

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Why Carrot and Stick Motivation Philosophies Are Now Out of Tune with Modern Organizational Cultures

By Mwangi Wanjumbi, Newtimes B. S. Chief Trainer/Consultant Everyday of our lives presents evolving challenges and learning experiences. But, some recent news caption portraying striking senior management team of a quasi government body seemed rather unusual. In fact, the news item paints a brink picture of organizational management.  Ideally, management teams are largely perceived to be part owners of organizations. Do they not drive organizational strategy and implement policy decisions on behalf of the investors, who act through the board of directors? Further, we have

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