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All posts by Mwangi Wanjumbi

The Writer is a Passionate Corporate Trainer/Consultant in strategy, change management and leadership development. He also provides unique SME Growth Solutions, whose expertise is tied to amongst others, an international research on SME development that was published in the Business in Africa Journal of July 2007. He was also a monthly strategy columnist for 5 years in the Monthly SME Today Magazine. He is also the author of the KICD approved Career Dynamics in the 21st Century, that was used for alignment of the new (Kenyan) Education Curriculum - CBC. He also authored the 2018 Living Beyond Survival; No More Tiptoeing in Life twitter:@mwanjumbi

Why People/Employee Re-branding May Now Be an Inevitable Answer to Organizational Progress

When assigned to write an article on training for a professional body, I initially had no idea of what to bring out. In any case, training is well known to be a process that modifies people’s behavior and skills as well as knowledge. There seemed to have been shortage of more ideas on the same.  But, upon proceeding for lunch at a joint that serves traditional delicacies, I overheard a discussion between the waitress and some two gentlemen, who needed to eat fish. The trouble

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Lessons from the JKIA Towering Infernal as Opportunities in the 21st Century Keep Beckoning

Perhaps you are like me still coming to terms with some dark forces associated with our nation. Rarely does the month of August pass without one calamity or the other that is marked by trails of destruction or even loss of live(s). During this August, there has been loss of lives here and there especially through road carnage. Nevertheless, the destruction of the international arrivals terminal, at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport will be a memorable experience, for this nation for many years to come.

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Hopes for ‘Eradication’ Of Change Resistance as Continued Efforts of Management of Change Gain a New Foothold

During a recent management forum that focused on the concept of management of change, I gathered some information that seems worthwhile sharing. One couldn’t agree more with Mary Waceke, a globally active member of the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP). She eloquently demystified the concept of change to an attentive audience some of whom have seemingly been taking the concept for granted. Ideally, full exploitation of resources and opportunities available to us in the 21st century may never be complete until we are able

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How and Why Employers Hold the Key to Reversing Challenged Trends on Degrees

The employment sector is now up in arms against challenged university education system, which is accused of churning out lightweight graduates, some of who are backed by questionable papers. It is indeed pathetic, especially for the national economy. Apparently, we may need to first question on how this situation arose before contemplating any solutions. Why? It is highly unlikely that a problem can be solved without fast appreciating the cause. Nonetheless, the scenario brings to mind a July 2007 visit by Tom Peters, a renowned

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Re-Visiting Performance Fundamentals Is Crucial for Avoidance Of Costly Strikes And Mediocrity

This week, there is reason to celebrate especially for those who educate their children in public schools. The government can also sigh with relief after being stretched to the limit by unrelenting teachers. Thankfully, the teachers are at last back to work, after downing their tools for close to one month. Obviously, they managed to get hefty perks from their employer, even though they were demanding more. About the same time, a World Bank report accorded teachers and nurses a not very pleasant scorecard on

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Why Engaging Auto Pilot Gear Could Be the Best Life Strategy Particularly For Graduating Students

It is yet another season of graduation ceremonies for both our public and private universities. Indeed, it is the height of academic excellence that is worth every celebration effort, by the affected graduates. That is after successively completing 8 years in primary school, 4 years in secondary school and 4 more years at the university. Obviously, some spend more years depending on the disciplines pursued. Nonetheless, as the graduates mark the climax of schooling, they need to realize that it is just the beginning of

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